## version $VER: LhADir.catalog 1.0 (XX.XX.XX) ## codeset 0 ## language X MSG_LISTER_TITLE ; LhADir listed archive MSG_LISTING ; Listing archive... MSG_ERROR_LISTING ; Error while listing archive. MSG_ABORTED ; Aborted... MSG_OK_GAD MSG_REQUEST_DELETE ; Warning: you cannot get back\nwhat you delete! OK to delete:\n\n%s file(s) and\n%s drawer(s) (and their contents)? MSG_DELETE_GADS ; Proceed|Cancel MSG_DELETING ; Deleting from archive... MSG_ERROR_DELETING ; Error while deleting from archive. MSG_NO_DESTINATION ; No destination selected! MSG_EXTRACTING ; Extracting from archive... MSG_ERROR_EXTRACTING ; Error while extracting from archive. MSG_ADDING ; Adding to archive... MSG_ERROR_ADDING ; Error while adding to archive. MSG_SCANNING ; Scanning directories... MSG_REQUEST_MAKEDIR ; Enter directory name or archive name.lha MSG_GADS_MAKEDIR ; OK|Cancel MSG_ERROR_CREATING ; Error creating archive. MSG_ERROR_ONLY_LHA ; Sorry, LhADir.dopus5 can only\nlist LhA archives. MSG_ERROR_MOVE_ITSELF ; You can't move an archive into itself! MSG_REQUEST_ARCHIVE_IN_ARCHIVE ; This is an archive in an archive.\n\nExtract it to\n'%s'\nand then list it? MSG_GADS_EXTRACT ; Extract|Cancel MSG_ERROR_NOT_FOUND ; Error, archive not found.